Disney-Inspired Lilo and Stitch 626 Smoothie

Disney-Inspired Lilo and Stitch, Magic for Miles, Disney Fun at Home, Disney Family Fun

A few days ago I was able to introduce my son to Disney’s Lilo and Stitch. He had never seen it before but often saw Lilo and Stitch’s picture on Pandora. (Hello, ‘Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride’, I’m looking at you!) Finally, after seeing them several times he asked who they were. I began by telling him that since we are a Disney loving family they are Ohana, but considering he hasn’t seen the movie this was lost on him.

‘Cause ‘Ohana’ means family….see what I did there?? Did I lose you?

Instead of explaining Ohana in-depth, we sat down and snuggled up for Mr. D to see Disney’s Lilo and Stitch for the first time (well, I was up and down chasing the 1-year-old if I’m being honest). I should have recorded him watching the show because his laughter was infectious. He thought Stitch was hilarious and his giggles filled the room.

Following the movie we decided to put together a little Lilo and Stitch inspired smoothie. If you have seen the movie, you know Lilo loves Elvis Presley and Stitch’s ‘improved’ behavior is modeled after the king himself. Following the theme of the movie, we figured we’d let our smoothie be inspired by the King as well!

Elvis Presley is well-known for his love of rich, indulgent foods. Specifically, a certain ‘dish’ that always come to mind is a peanut butter, banana, butter and bacon sandwich. I’m not 100% sure that the ingredients are all correct as I’ve heard mention of the sandwich in different places with and without bacon. Yet, we decided to roll with the theme and added a few special touches of our own to create our own Elvis Presley smoothie. One Lilo and Stitch would have been proud of!

Without further ado, let me introduce to you, the 626 Smoothie!

626 Smoothie, Disney's Lilo and Stitch Inspired, Magic for Miles, Fun Friday

Disney-Inspired Lilo and Stitch 626 Smoothie

3 Bananas (Preferably Frozen. If not, add in a handful of ice cubes)

1/4 Cup of Peanut Butter (Or less if preferred)

Dash of Cinnamon

Almond Milk

Handful of Marshmallows (optional)

A Blender

626 Smoothie, Disney's Lilo and Stitch Inspired, Magic for Miles, Fun Friday

1. Step One

First things, first, gather all your ingredients. If you have the time be sure to throw your bananas in the freezer, this helps make the smoothie extra creamy.

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2. Step Two

Next, throw your three bananas, peanut butter, the dash of cinnamon, and handful of marshmallows into the blender. To keep your smoothie extra healthy, leave the marshmallows out. To indulge a little, like Elvis himself, throw them in! Add milk to cover the top of all your ingredients. Blend away!

626 Smoothie, Disney's Lilo and Stitch Inspired, Magic for Miles, Fun Friday

3. Step Three (Optional)

If you’ve seen all those crazy, wacky milkshakes out there, but don’t have access to one near your home town, don’t fret! You can invent your own decked out drink at home. We used our 626 smoothie and then gave it a little pizzazz by adding some ‘decor’ to the top. Don’t want to add a bunch of decoration? You can just head down to step number 4!

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4. Step Four (Mandatory)

Finally, enjoy!!

626 Smoothie, Disney's Lilo and Stitch Inspired, Magic for Miles, Fun Friday


Let me be the first to tell you, I’m one of those people who cook without measuring and typically without writing things down. In a way, having to remember what I put into this smoothie and other fun foods on this blog is helping me remember the recipes that work. Which is good. Helps make every night NOT an experiment.

That being said, feel free to adjust things to your own tastes, but follow the above ingredients list as a general template!

626 Smoothie, Disney's Lilo and Stitch Inspired, Magic for Miles, Fun Friday

There ya go! A Disney-Inspired Lilo and Stitch smoothie! Make this smoothie and follow it up with a family viewing of Lilo and Stitch. You could even make some peanut butter sandwiches to go with the Lilo and Stitch theme!

626 Smoothie, Disney's Lilo and Stitch Inspired, Magic for Miles, Fun Friday

Disney-Inspired Lilo and Stitch, Magic for Miles, Disney Fun at Home, Disney Family Fun

Be Sure to Pin the Image Above and Follow Me on Instagram: @magicformiles

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